(這段影片的主題是"跳舞的Al Pacino",只有最前面是"Scarecrow"的畫面。因為我找不到其它更好的影片或照片,只好拿它來充數囉XD 不過作者剪接得很不錯,畫面和音樂很合,本身就很值得一看啦!)
晚上自己放”Scarecrow”(中譯「稻草人」/「流浪奇男子」,1973)來看。這部Al Pacino和Gene Hackman早期合作的電影,之前在市面上一直找不到,想不到在香港竟然有出DVD,真是我此趟香港行最大的收獲之一!由於太過期待,因此我連哥哥的集體回憶DVD都還沒看,就迫不及待地先放這部片來看了。
這部電影一開始,就是Al Pacino飾演的Francis和Gene Hackman飾演的Max同被「困」在一條沙石滾滾、鳥不生蛋的公路上,攔不到任何一台便車的場景。由於這段挺長的,起初我還以為這部電影所有場景都會在這條路上,描述他們這段期間發生的一些改變之類,幸好沒多久他們就從這條路上脫困了,不然我覺得有點悶說…
我覺得全片最耐人尋味的是Francis這個人。他表現出來的個性一直很sweet & cute,總是設法利用搞笑把原本嚴肅或暴戾的氣氛轉為輕鬆詼諧,並解決一些困境,比如Max要求他引開店員注意、好趁機偷送妹妹的生日禮物時,他採用連Max都不禁看傻眼、忘了自己原本目的的作法;又比如Max和講話很衝的女人發生口角時,他假裝鼻子被旁邊的人形模特兒夾到,結果演變成Max和那女人喝到醉在床上發生關係…
這部片最大的優點,可說是兩個好演員的優秀演技所激盪出的耀眼火花。Gene Hackman之前看「各懷鬼胎」,因為影片爛,連帶地讓我對他沒啥印象,到這部片才真正認識到這個好演員。我覺得他是個不折不扣的實力派,單看外表不覺得有任何過人之處,但演起戲來就是很有戲感,可以鮮明地呈現出一個角色的個性與特色,讓人印象深刻。而Al Pacino在螢幕上呈現出來的形象一直不是內斂就是焦躁狂放(會發表很多激動演說那種),想不到他演起這種熱情可愛的角色也遊刃有餘,看他全片又裝動物、又裝虎克船長的活蹦亂跳模樣,真難以想像這會是我看慣了的那個Al Pacino。而且他最厲害的地方就是他的表情和動作往往沒有太大變化,就像早期看他演「教父」時的製片公司主管的看法一樣,有點「木訥單調」,但在這種表演方式下,他仍能準確地把角色的內心世界傳達給觀眾,讓人深刻地體會到角色深層的喜怒哀樂,並在不經意間,自己的情緒也受到感染與牽動…尤其最後他在噴泉裡崩潰那幕,簡直讓人看了心都要碎了。
by italian38stalion (Sat Jun 10 2006 11:31:33 ) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
Both Hackman and Pacino's characters have problems expressing their emotions. In Pacino's case he tried to repress and use humor instead of facing his problems. But this problems was too big to ignore.
Earlier in the film he was talking about how he was happy because he felt like he was heading somewhere. He was also anticipating seeing his son and ex-girlfriend and maybe winning her back or having some involvement in his son's life. Her reaction and the lie caused him to lose it. He pretended it was a boy at first but when he actually went down and started playing with the children he couldn't pretend anymore. It seems to me like he just snapped and didn't know what to do. He was desperate.
by birthdaynoodle (Tue Dec 26 2006 08:40:30 ) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
Lion's (Pacino's) wife lies to him on the phone and tells him that the baby died without ever having been baptized, and that for this reason, the kid's soul would always remain in Limbo without ever reaching Heaven. The ritual of baptism involves immersion in water (or sprinkling water on the person's head), so there's clearly a connection there with the fountain. Carrying an unknown child across the water (towards a "lion" that sprinkles water) may be Lion's way of expressing his sense of loss and the frustration of not even having baptized his own kid.
Baptism represents purification, so it's likely that Pacino's character is also somehow looking for his own spiritual cleansing in the scene of the fountain. Throughout most of the movie, he's hoping to redeem himself by meeting the child that he once abandoned; at one point he says that he owes it to his wife, Annie; but after the conversation with Annie, he probably arrives at the conclusion that his own soul is fated to wander aimlessly (in Limbo) for the rest of his life (or longer).
As far as I understand, Lion first thinks of himself as Max's (Hackman's) savior: he figures he can teach him how to avoid violence and turmoil by being funny and friendly like himself (in other words, by teaching him how to be the Scarecrow). Lion, ever searching for a sense of purpose, wants to help a fellow drifter fight his demons. He accepts it as a personal mission and hangs on to it in quiet desperation. The problem is that later in prison, he realizes that he's not immune to the sometimes brutal nature of life and that Max seems to deal with it better than he can. As a result, Leon begins to doubt himself and his feeling of aimlessness, impotence and frustration only intensify. That's why he looks disturbed when Max -- after mockingly calling him his "taughter", his "teacher" -- performs the striptease at the bar and puts up a funnier show than he could ever even dream of: there's no doubt then as to who the better scarecrow is... In the end, by the time that Leon walks into the fountain, he feels completely dead inside because he believes that he can no longer help save Max, his son, his ex-wife or himself; he's not the savior that he wished he were (the Lion that sprinkles water from his mouth). What's ironic, of course, is that his child actually isn't dead; that his financial contributions DID somewhat help the wife and son that he had otherwise abandoned; and that in reality, he could be partly responsible for having changed Max's attitude in life and for keeping him out of trouble in the future.
I'll add this one more thought: the idea of the car wash may be attractive to Lion because it involves washing away the dirt from other people's lives. ("For every car, there's dirt"). Remember, his role in the company would be "keeping the customers happy". That's his "specialty", he says. In his mind, Max could count the number of hoses and brushes that they'd need to buy, while his part would have more to do with spiritual transcendence. Again, the car wash could easily have something to do with the symbolism of baptism.
To answer the original question, is he actually going to drown the child at the end? Who knows. I'll just quote one medical website: "Catatonic excitement is a symptom of mental illness rather than a mental illness in itself. It is characterized by disturbances in motor activity such as agitated hyperactivity and movements which have no purpose. At times, the movements may become violent and directed either to themselves or to others."
- Apr 07 Sat 2007 23:25